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You NEVER played anything like this - Aexia is VR Roleplaying
Young man wearing VR headset
Graphical lettering for logo and tagline, Aexia: Step Into The Role

Welcome to Aexia, your gateway to VR roleplay. No previous experience required. Discover—or perhaps rediscover—your passion for performing and roleplaying.

Aexia is compatible with all standalone headsets, such as the Quest 2, and PCVR headsets.

illustrated brightly lit futuristic stadium

Just Roleplay

Join our community of roleplayers, storytellers, and introverted-extroverts.

Our community has scheduled roleplays every week.
Or start a private roleplay anytime with your friends.

Your Gateway to
VR Roleplay

Create and start VR roleplaying games
with ZERO CODE in less than ONE HOUR

Aexia illustrated fantasy portal with three silhouetted characters
Graphical illustration of the Game Master figure in Aexia

Join the Aexia
Roleplay Community

Aexia is a welcoming community for new players as well as experienced performers and storytellers.

Join our Discord Community to find active roleplays to join or learn how to create your own.

Play now

Make amazing things happen

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