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Join Aexia's Inaugural Game Jam!


Team up over a week*, starting August 11th 2023, to collaboratively design a VR RP game that can be played in Aexia! Every game will get played by the devs, and the best game(s) will be played in our weekly Friday RP events.

Get together in groups on our discord server and join forces in creating the very first RP games in Aexia**. Aexia is a platform for creating and sharing role-play games with others. The Game Jam is an event to bring some members of our community together to collaborate over a week on creating the first role-plays to be run in Aexia.

* We extended the Game Jam from a weekend to a week to accommodate those with busier schedules, but the workload is still only estimated at two full-time days.*

**We'll enroll anyone who's signed up to attend the game jam into our beta.*


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